Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2021

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Photo and video exhibition

Energy Transition in Africa - Awakening the Senses

A photo and video exhibition called "Energy Transition in Africa - Awakening the Senses", will be hosted by The Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda to Germany. The event aims to sensitise the audience on the definitions of energy access and energy transition and the wide spectrum of work done by different stakeholders in Rwanda to inspire people on the roles to take to contribute to the energy sector in Africa.

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Co-Creative Reflection and Dialogue Space

At COP26 in Glasgow, the IASS is again offering a space where negotiators and stakeholders of observer organisations can meet in formats that are typically not used in side events, but are more structured than informal dialogues in breaks or over meals. The space is designed to deepen meaningful interaction, build trust and engage openly in honest dialogue and reflection.

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The IASS at the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow

From October 31 to November 12, 2021, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow will work on the further implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) will be present with experts on site or researchers will contribute at virtual events. The IASS is also present again with a Reflection and Dialogue Space, which aims to improve the communication culture of the COP through engaging exchange and mutual learning.

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Brandenburger Wasserhaushalt in der Klimakrise

Brandenburg gilt wegen der Vielfalt seiner Oberflächengewässer als wasserreiches Bundesland. Dennoch hat das Land ein Wasserdefizit und die Grundwasserneubildung nimmt seit 70 Jahren ab. Die letzten Dürrejahre haben diesen Trend verstärkt und der Klimawandel wird - ohne geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen - die Wassersituation in Brandenburg weiter verschärfen.

Zur Entwicklung eines Gesamtkonzeptes des Landes zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel im Politikfeld Wasser bedarf es weiterer Diskussionen. Wir möchten Sie daher herzlich zum Fachworkshop Brandenburger Wasserhaushalt in der Klimakrise einladen.

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