Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2018

Generelle Informationen zu RIFS-Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier.

Reflection and Dialogue Space at COP24

To reflect and share experiences and impressions of the COP, and to consider ways to collectively improve the exchange space at the COPs to help lead towards more synergetic outcomes (both formal and informal). It is a special opportunity for COP delegates to meet and share their observations, thoughts and ideas - knowing that dialogues have the potential to draw creativity in thought and produce insights which can lead to new, more effective and efficient strategies and solutions.

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Symposium "Friends of the Open Society"

Held in Berlin in November 2018, the Friends of the Open Society Symposium brought together 250 guests to discuss the most pressing issues at the intersection of democracy, sustainability, and digitalisation with representatives from the political sphere and civil society. The event was hosted and organised by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies.

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Transformation des Energiesystems erfordert internationale Zusammenarbeit

Die United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) diskutierte auf dem 9. Internationalen Energie Forum für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung Mitte November 2018 in Kiew mit internationalen Experten aus Politik, Wissenschaft, Industrie, Finanz und Energiedienstleister fossiler und Erneuerbarer Energien über Praxiserfahrungen und länderübergreifende Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Energiesystems.

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"Environmental protection of the High North"

How can Arctic Council observers engage strategically and practically in Arctic environmental protection. In an exchange with states that are active in the High North, indigenous communities, businesses, research and civil society, potential solutions are developed for a sustainable development in the Arctic that allows to reconcile a wide spectrum of interests in the region.

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„Spuren in der Arktis“

Das IASS und das Ecologic Institute laden Sie im Namen des Umweltbundesamt ein, sich über eine Region im Wandel und deutsche Aktivitäten in der Arktis zu informieren. Am 22. Oktober 2018 wird ab 17.30 Uhr der Sauriersaal des Museums für Naturkunde in Berlin ganz im Zeichen der eisigen Welt rund um den Nordpol stehen. Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus der Arktisforschung stellen sich Ihren Fragen.

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Launch of the Standardised Guidelines for Life Cycle and Techno-Economic Assessment of CO2 Utilisation Technologies

Innovative CO2 utilisation technologies have shown great potential in reducing environmental impacts and creating economic opportunities. Standardised life-cycle assessment (LCA) and techno-economic assessment (TEA) guidelines are crucial for a comprehensive and transparent comparison between different technologies. The guidelines aim at enabling a comprehensive and transparent comparison between different technologies, reducing ambiguity in assessment results and avoiding pitfalls, thus accelerating funding decisions and promoting further technology development.

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