Headline: Deliverable 3.1: Policy and governance perspectives on tipping points - A literature review and analytical framework

Our report is to be understood as a first step towards a deeper understanding of social tipping points and as a suggestion for indicators to be used in empirical case study analysis. The indicators presented here will be consolidated with the indicators from further Work Packages of the TIPPING+ project and tested in selected cases. Following this, we will update the set of indicators based on the experiences from these case studies, before they are applied to a larger set of case studies in various Work Packages of TIPPING+.


Mey, F., & Lilliestam, J.(2020). Deliverable 3.1: Policy and governance perspectives on tipping points - A literature review and analytical framework. Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).

https://tipping-plus.eu/sites/default/files/deliverables/D3.1%20Literature%20Re… https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_6000561_9/component/file_6…
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Positive Kipppunkte für die Transformation zu sauberer Energie in kohlenstoffintensiven Regionen (Tipping+)