Headline: Events in 2024

You can find general information on RIFS events here.

EU Horizon project REAL DEAL

Democratising economic policymaking – Yes, we can!

The EU Horizon project REAL DEAL looks at citizen and stakeholder deliberation for the European Green Deal. One subtask focuses on the European Semester and economic policy, and we are experimenting with formats and approaches for citizen and stakeholder deliberation during the different phases of the European Semester cycle. The preliminary results of these experiments will be presented and discussed in the workshop session.

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Funded by the EU

Kick-Off Meeting Net4Cities

To monitor air and noise pollution and generate data that will aid in assessing the health impacts related to it, the new research project Net4Cities will develop research infrastructure in eleven European cities in ten countries. The RIFS will host the Kick-Off Event for the project.

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Arbeit zukunftsfähig gestalten: Reizwort Work-Life-Balance

Fachkräftesicherung ist fundamental für ein langfristiges und nachhaltiges unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln. Neben Betrieben aus dem KMU-Bereich sind zunehmend auch Verwaltungen und Institutionen von diesem Thema betroffen. In der Veranstaltung werden theoretische und praktische Blickwinkel aufgezeigt. Ein voneinander Lernen ist entscheidend, um im Bereich der sozialen Nachhaltigkeit zukunftsfähig zu bleiben.

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Normative Politics in an Age of Environmental and Digital Transformation

Normative political thought is typically focused on justice. If justice is about the ethical distribution of benefits and burdens in society, then a digitalized, sustainable world offers significant problems. While its boosters promise a more sustainable economy and society, there is limited empirical support for this promise, at least at present. This workshop aims to solidify visions of what this post-transformation, just political community may look like.

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