Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam

Online Seminar

Women Empowerment through Energy Access

17.12.2021 - 21.12.2021

From Dec 17-21, 2021, HEDERA Sustainable Solutions, IMPACT-R and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, together with EnDev GIZ Ethiopia, are organizing a workshop / online seminar "Women Empowerment through Energy Access" as a deep dive into these subject in intersection with climate change adaptation, mainly focusing on improved cooking solutions.

With the aim of translating the needs of Improved Cooking Solutions suppliers and households to the policy sector, and identifying the gaps between programs and rural realities, the organizers look forward to discussing the subjects:
willingness to pay of households & financing,
industralization & formalization of small and medium enterprises.

Experts in the field will share their view on what women empowerment means, from which lens should it be addressed, and how it can be fostered. Experiences from researchers, ICS providers, policymakers, and development cooperation will be shared.

The results of this workshop will be gathered for recommendations for the Ethiopian energy sector, based on inputs from experiences from Sub-Saharan Africa and the resulting discussions, and for policymakers interested in designing programs with more impactful results.

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Women Empowerment through Energy Access
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