Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam

Book Presentation: Luca Fantacci, “Saving the Market from Capitalism”


Despite the recent financial crisis, the power of the financial markets has continued to grow. Far from being subjected to major restructuring or regulation, they continue to rule largely unchecked - laying down economic policies, deposing governments, disrupting social contracts and reshaping international alliances. A new book by the Italian economists Luca Fantacci and Massimo Amato of Bocconi University argues that the time has come to think through more radical proposals for reform - to save other markets from the overwhelming power of the one market that has come to dominate them all, the financial market. 

Through a detailed examination of specific measures - from policies aimed at reigning in financial markets to the idea of local currencies that could be used to foster economic development within localities and regions - the authors develop a set of proposals that would help to revitalize markets, free them from the domineering power of finance and re-establish the relationship between creditor and debtor that was severed by the rise of the modern financial system. 

Luca Fantacci will present his book on Tuesday, 16 September, at the IASS. The event is open to the public.It will be held in English. Advance registration by email to armin [dot] haas [at] iass-potsdam [dot] de (armin[dot]haas[at]iass-potsdam[dot]de) is requested.

Date and time: September 16, 2014, 3:30 p.m.

Venue: IASS, Bank Building, Cafeteria, Helmholtzstr. 5, 14467 Potsdam

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