Headline: Result data related to "Bersalli et al. (2023) -- Most industrialised countries have peaked carbon dioxide emissions during economic crises through strengthened structural change"

This repository contains the result data of our study investigating the relationship between emission peaks and economic crises. The repository contains mainly two datasets:

multiplicative-contributions.csv / .nc
prepost-growth-rates.csv / .nc

Both datasets exist in CSV and NetCDF file format for convenience. The dataset multiplicative-contributions contains year-to-year change factors of GDP, population, energy-intensity, and carbon-intensity for every country in our study. The dataset prepost-growth-rates contains growth over a multi-year period pre- and post- crisis for each country and each crises in our study.

Publication Year
Publication Type
Research data

Tröndle, T., Bersalli, G., & Lilliestam, J. (2022). Result data related to "Bersalli et al. (2023) -- Most industrialised countries have peaked carbon dioxide emissions during economic crises through strengthened structural change". Zenodo.

Staff involved
Projects involved
The Transition to a Renewable Electricity System and its Interactions with Other Policy Aims (TRIPOD) Identifying Positive Tipping Points towards Clean Energy Transitions in Carbon Intensive Regions (Tipping+)