Headline: mukil/pmic: 0.3.0: Initial Prototype for Authoring Indicator Catalog using DMX Webclient

Prototype implementation for authoring a reference database of the indicator catalog. Utilizes the DMX Application Framework as web-based collaboration environment. The binary release attached is the dmx-plugin promut-indicator-sets-0.3.0.jar OSGI-bundle which can be installed through dropping it into the bundle-deploy folder of your DMX installation.

Publication Year
Publication Type
Research data

Reißig, M. (2020). mukil/pmic: 0.3.0: Initial Prototype for Authoring Indicator Catalog using DMX Webclient. Zenodo.

Staff involved
Projects involved
Junior Research Group ProMUT: Sustainability Management 4.0 - Transformative Potentials of Networked Manufacturing for Humans, the Environment and Technology