Headline: The Amazon - From the periphery to the centre of discussions

The behavioural and production patterns of humankind have put the world on a collision course with our planetary boundaries. As global warming leads us towards large-scale disaster, ecosystems are becoming more fragile by the day and social inequality is growing fast. We must urgently move towards a more sustainable and equitable collective existence. This text is about the consequences of current unsustainability, rather than its causes.

Publication Year

Sgambatti Monteiro, A. (2021). The Amazon - From the periphery to the centre of discussions. IASS Blog, 26.03.2021.

https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_6001004_1/component/file_6… https://www.rifs-potsdam.de/en/blog/2021/03/amazon-periphery-centre-discussions
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