Headline: Consumer savings through solar PV self-consumption in South Africa. Assessing the co-benefits of decarbonising the power sector

This study quantifies the expenditure savings that may be achieved by residential and commercial consumers in South Africa when installing rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with the aim of consuming most of the resulting electricity directly (henceforth termed self-consumption); the study was carried out in the context of the COBENEFITS project with the aim of assessing the co-benefits of a low-carbon energy transition in South Africa.

Publication Year
Publication Type
RIFS Studies

Consumer savings through solar PV self-consumption in South Africa. Assessing the co-benefits of decarbonising the power sector. (2019). IASS Study, March 2019.

https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_4062889_19/component/file_… https://www.cobenefits.info/resources/cobenefits-south-africa-consumer-savings/
Staff involved
Projects involved
Mobilising the Multiple Opportunities of Renewable Energies