Headline: MgB2 round wires and cables for the high-power superconducting cable demonstrator in the Best Paths project

In this work, results for the different MgB2 wires and cables designed in Best Paths will be presented, with a focus on the critical parameters influencing the cable manufacturing. These include the wire and cable diameter, cabling pitch, critical current performance, mechanical properties, stress tolerance of the wire subjected to bending and tension during assembly on industrial cabling machines.

Publication Year
Publication Type
Conference Paper / Report

Tropeano, M., Ballarino, A., Bruzek, C.-E., Mieville, A., Konstantopoulou, K., Lesur, F., Marian, A., Escamez, G., & Grasso, G. (2018). MgB2 round wires and cables for the high-power superconducting cable demonstrator in the Best Paths project. In Proceedings.

Staff involved
Projects involved
BEyond State-of-the-art Technologies for rePowering Ac corridors and multi-Terminal HVDC Systems (BEST PATHS)