Headline: The International Seabed – the Common Heritage of Mankind: Recommendations for future governance by the International Seabed Authority

Current efforts at the International Seabed Authority to develop regulations pertaining to the exploitation of deep seabed minerals would benefit from a moment of reflection on the future governance of these resources. As the Area and its resources have been declared a common heritage of mankind, this principle must be taken into account when designing the future governance of activities in the Area.

Publication Year
Publication Type
RIFS Policy Briefs

Christiansen, S., Ginzky, H., Singh, P., & Thiele, T. (2018). The International Seabed – the Common Heritage of Mankind: Recommendations for future governance by the International Seabed Authority. IASS Policy Brief, 2018(2).

https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/rest/items/item_3358890_7/component/file_3… https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/pubman/item/escidoc:3916898
Staff involved
Projects involved
Ecological Safeguards for Deep Seabed Mining Deep Seabed Mining - Test Mining and Fair Benefit Sharing