Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Patrizia Nanz appointed Vice President of Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management


Patrizia Nanz, Scientific Director at the IASS, will leave the institute on 31.01.2021 to take up the position of Vice President of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management.

Patrizia Nanz
Patrizia Nanz

The departure of Prof. Nanz is a huge loss for the IASS. Her appointment is, however, an indication of the IASS’ standing as a centre of competence for participatory processes in politics and society. Transparency, openness and participation are indispensable in the search for a permanent repository for radioactive waste. Patrizia Nanz and the IASS have significant expertise and a proven track record in the planning and execution of these kinds of processes.

Since joining the IASS in 2016, Prof. Nanz has helped to shape, refine and implement the institute’s transdisciplinary research approach. Sustainability challenges like climate change are wicked problems with no ready-made solutions. They call for innovative forms of citizen participation. Nanz established research groups and structures that will continue to study and support democratic and co-creative options for citizen participation even after her departure. One of these research groups is examining how citizens can shape the process of phasing out coal in the Lausitz region and is advising the relevant state governments and local actors. The Science Platform Sustainability 2030 gathers existing knowledge in the area of sustainability with a view to improving Germany’s National Strategy for Sustainable Development.

Nanz will maintain ties to the IASS in her new role and will continue to head the German-French Forum for the Future, which is based at the IASS. Established under the Treaty of Aachen between Germany and France, the Forum for the Future strives to connect citizens and experts from both countries and encourage dialogue on fundamental societal questions. Nanz will also continue to hold a professorship at the University of Potsdam.

The IASS Board of Directors would like to thank Patrizia Nanz for her valuable contribution to the institute over the last four years. We wish her all the best for the future.



Matthias Tang

Matthias Tang

Head of Press and Communications
matthias [dot] tang [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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